

Because the Frequencer® is gentle on the patient and is easy to use, adherence to treatment is high among users. Learn from patients, caregivers, physicians and respiratory therapists their experience with the Frequencer®.

Caregiver Testimonial of 9-yr old CF patient

The Frequencer® has helped increase my family’s quality of life since my son can administer his treatment autonomously while doing things he enjoys, such as playing video games and watching television without having his movements limited...

My son is 9 years old and was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at the age of 4. He has been using the Frequencer® since this past January 2019. Before using the Frequencer® for airway clearance, I would perform clapping chest physiotherapy 2-3 times per day for roughly 20 minutes per treatment. The time dedicated to administering the clapping therapy was about 1 hour daily.

My son now uses the Frequencer® for his airway clearance therapy instead of clapping. He can administer the treatment autonomously and can even set the frequency and intensity parameters himself. I do not need to intervene nor supervise, this frees up one hour of my day, every single day. The Frequencer® is used 2-3 times per day for 20 minutes per treatment at a Frequency of 37 Hz and an intensity of 100%. Even though the treatment time is the same as when we used clapping, since my son can do the treatment himself, I have time in my day that is liberated to engage in other tasks while he is doing his treatment.

My son is very young and not very congested or blocked up. Treatments are done regularly as a form of prevention to ensure mucus buildup is avoided as much as possible. His health has been consistent since using the Frequencer®, as it was with the clapping therapy. We attend follow-up visits with his treating physician every month and a half and the physician indicated that his FEV has continued to be consistent and within the normal range. The treatment has been as effective as clapping in keeping my son healthy. Since using the Frequencer®, he has not once been hospitalized.

The Frequencer® is very easy to use and simple to clean. The Dymedso team has been very nice to work with and have offered great customer support. I would also like to let parents and potential users of the Frequencer® know that this therapy is effective and has helped me save a great amount of time.

To conclude, the Frequencer® has helped increase my family’s quality of life since my son can administer his treatment autonomously while doing things he enjoys, such as playing video games and watching television without having his movements limited. This has in turn allowed me to save time that I can use
for other daily activities.

Audrey Fortier

Physician Testimonial

I strongly believe that the Frequencer® is the main reason that my patient was able to avoid hospitalization...

We saw the patient in the Cystic Fibrosis Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for a follow-up. I saw the patient ten days ago, and she was coughing, wheezing, very tight, and her pulmonary function tests had dropped significantly from earlier in February, and even October and August. We started her on a brief course of steroids, at 30 mg once daily, for six days, and patient also got a new chest PT modality called the Frequencer®.

In the last ten days, the patient has had a superlative improvement, with a substantial decrease in her cough, chest tightness, and overall symptomatology. She is feeling much better and was in very good spirits in the office today. Notably, she is producing clear white sputum with her Frequencer®, which is actually an improvement, since in general, she has not produced chest sputum with her previous chest PT. She is back to doing all of her routine therapies, and back at the gym doing the stair stepper with a very good exercise tolerance. Her stools are normal. The remainder of the review of systems was negative.

On physical examination the patient was well appearing. Her left nares was swollen and obstructed, as it frequently is. Her lung exam was significant for some coarse breath sounds posteriorly on the right, and a prolonged exhalation, but no fine crackles or wheezes. Her abdominal examination was normal.

General Impression and Recommendations:

Patient is an eighteen-year-old young woman with cystic fibrosis and asthma who is substantially improved, as evidenced by an increase in her FEV1 from 2.12 I to 2.35 I, and in her FVC from 2.96 I to 3.37 I. These numbers are approximately as good as her numbers from last year in July and August, and even somewhat further back than that. I recommended a trial of alternate day steroids at 10 mg of prednisone every other day to see if we could continue some of her symptomatic gains. I recommended continuing the Frequencer®, and it is my hope that this therapy will be approved by insurances, because I really strongly believe that the Frequencer® is the main reason that that the patient was able to avoid hospitalization.

Division of Pulmonary Medicine

Physician Testimonial

Since beginning treatment with the Frequencer®, my patient has been able to be weaned off oxygen, which she has been on for 7 months...

This letter is in regards to a 3 year-old girl with multiple medical problems including septo-optic dysplasia, panhypopiuitarism, diabetes insipidus, cerebral palsy, chronic esophagitis with reflux, chronic lung disease, and reactive lung disease. This patient has been using the Frequencer® during this hospitalization. Since beginning treatment, the patient has been able to be weaned off oxygen which she has been on for 7 months. My patient has been very compliant in the use of the Frequencer®, and I am confident it has improved her condition. Various secretion removal therapies have been tried including the Vest airway clearance system only to come back to the same outcomes. The problem with chest physiotherapy as an outpatient is that it is time consuming and labor intensive. Since the patient has a chronic aspiration pattern in her lungs, she is unable to do chest PT in the Trendelenburg position as it is contraindicated. The patient is not responding. This is a progressive illness, which often causes other illnesses. The Frequencer® has been proven to be more of a successful option for the removal of secretions than the traditional techniques. I believe it is critical that I provide my expertise in any effort that will improve my patient's well-being.

My goal is to keep my patient as healthy as possible and to keep him/her out of the hospital. It is my opinion that my patient would benefit from the use of the Frequencer® for home use to improve quality of life and possibly duration of life in years to come.

Division of Pulmonology

Physician Testimonial

I have had great success with the Frequencer® with several of my patients who have not responded well to Vest Therapy… Use of the Frequencer® improved my patient’s condition so much that he no longer was a candidate for a tracheostomy!

To whom it may concern:
Patient is a 32-year-old man with degenerative neuromuscular disease. The Patient has been ventilator dependent through much of his life. Despite his disabilities, he has completed high school and college. I have known the patient much of his life. Although, I am not his primary care physician; he comes to me for second opinions, which is the basis of this letter.

Patient has severe scoliosis and his mainstay for airway clearance has been the Vest Therapy system (which employs high frequency chest wall oscillation). Over years of use, he has complained greatly that it hurts him when he uses it no matter how it is adjusted, or how he is positioned, or padded, which has precluded its regular use. Within the last 5 years, the Frequencer® has become available as an alternative form of mechanical chest physiotherapy. The Frequencer® is a digitally controlled acoustical airway clearance device, consisting of a control unit and a transducer. The transducer is a disc like device that is manually applied to the front of the chest. The Frequencer® uses acoustic waves which penetrate deep into the chest tissue. The vibration created begins to loosen mucus, provoking a cough and the expectoration of sputum.

I have had great success with the Frequencer® with several of my patients who have not responded well to the Vest Therapy. A few have continued to use Vest Therapy along with the Frequencer®. One of my neuromuscular disease patients had been having great difficulty raising sputum and was facing a tracheostomy intervention. Our last resort was to trial the Frequencer. Remarkably, use of the Frequencer® improved his condition so much that he no longer is a candidate for a tracheostomy!

Thank you!

Pediatric Pulmonary and Cystic Fibrosis Center

Pediatric Respiratory Therapist Testimonial

The Frequencer® not only assisted with lung recruitment and secretion removal, but it reduced our patients’ length of hospital stay...

I am the Respiratory clinical coordinator for California Pacific Medical Center. I work at the California Campus which is the children's campus and we were fortunate enough to have the Neo prototype in our possession for about a year. We utilized it in our NICUs, PICU and in our Pediatric Ward on patients of all ages from premature neonates to roughly five years of age.

The prototype is easy to use and accommodates our smallest patient population. The variety of cone sizes makes it possible to provide the quality of care that we can be proud of. We used to use actual vibrators to provide pulmonary clearance for our neonatal population. We had to cover the vibrator so that the parents didn't realize
that it was an actual vibrator that was being utilized to improve their child's condition. The prototype has appropriate settings and attachments and there is no need to cover it or hide it from the patient's family. The Prototype has a user friendly IPAD screen. My staff appreciated how easy the prototype was to use and how well it worked.

We utilized the prototype on patients with medical conditions such as atelectasis (lung collapse), Pneumonia (lung consolidation), Cystic Fibrosis (excessive mucus causing atelectasis and hyperinflation), RSV Bronchiolitis (virus that causes excessive mucus production and can be life threatening in premature babies) and neuromuscular patients who can't clear their secretions due to an ineffective cough. Essentially, the prototype was utilized on our sickest patients with almost immediate results.

When choosing an airway clearance device for a child we have to consider not only safety but comfort because extremely ill small children tend to decompensate (decrease vital and stability) when they are upset. The prototype is far more comfortable and efficient than vest therapy especially in regards to a young child. Our patients seem to relax during the treatment which is important when the goal is to expectorate mucus.

The prototype not only assisted with lung recruitment and secretion removal but it reduced our patients’ length of hospital stay. Patients who had consolidation or lung collapse on X-Ray had rapid improvements in their X- Rays and overall health. California Pacific Medical Center provided X-Rays for our Frequencer® representative. The X-Rays were of a 500 gram neonatal patient that was very sick with severe RDS and lung collapse. This particular patient had a hard time breathing on his own and required mechanical ventilation. Not only was the prototype safe for a micro preemie (500 grams) but it actually opened the patient's collapse lung and the patient was able to be weaned off mechanical ventilation.

Overall our impression of the prototype was positive as it greatly assisted our patients in the year that we were able to utilize it. Our patients were fortunate to have had the opportunity to take advantage of the prototype trial. Please feel free to contact me if there are any question or concerns.

Heather Esparza RRT, NPS
Children’s Clinical Coordinator
Pediatric Pulmonary and Cystic Fibrosis Center